21 November 2019
To help you decide what to see we asked WOW chief executive Gisella Carr what she's most excited about at next year’s Festival (21 Feb-15 Mar 2020).

Currently Chief Executive of WOW, Gisella has worked across many areas of the arts, including for Te Papa, Film New Zealand, Creative New Zealand, The Arts Foundation of New Zealand, The Auckland Regional Arts Trust, The Royal New Zealand Ballet, NZ Students Arts Council and on numerous diverse projects and consultancies.
Here's what Gisella has to say about her top five Festival picks:
I’m a Festival lifer and already planning the biennial gorging with friends and family. Impossible to stick to five, so may I cheat by saying I will be going to all the dance with top of my list being MÁM , Jerusalem, Trois Grandes Fugues and seeing Michael Parmenter back on stage (in Strasbourg 1518).

Compelling reviews and a rare chance (for me) to see work by a major African artist.

Laurie Anderson’s concert in the 1986 inaugural New Zealand Festival is one of my top five Festival performances of all time. Also I want to see her To The Moon, a must-see for anyone interested in VR.
The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil

Bret McKenzie, The National Theatre and a work in progress. Nothing is more interesting than seeing work being made.

Google it. Then book.

My theatre spies tell me everything they hear about Belgian theatre suggests I’ll want to buy a ticket.
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