30 August 2023
Ben Crowder is the co-director of Nightsong Theatre Company and co-director (with Carl Bland) of I Want To Be Happy which opens at Circa Theatre on 6 September. Starring Jennifer Ludlam and Joel Tobeck, I Want To Be Happy is the blackly funny story of a guinea pig called Binka and the lab assistant, Paul, who looks after her. Melding Nightsong's signature visual aesthetics with the preposterous premises of everyday life, this is a thought provoking exploration of both the human and guinea pig experience.
Ben took some time out of his exceptionally busy schedule to tell me all about his theatrical life.

The first live performance I ever saw was…
Some confusing pantomime in seats miles from the stage, poor sound, shrieking actors, frustrating ‘he’s behind you’ gags and ugly costumes. But do I remember the trap door – it was the only bit that piqued my interest – it spoke of surprise and magic!
The first time I appeared on stage was…
In a play I wrote, directed and acted in at school – early signs of megalomania.
My favourite show of 2023 so far is…
I’m cheating a little, as think it was towards the tail-end of 2022 – it was a Spanish show I saw in Montreal – as part of the Off-Cinars programme called Rebota Rebota Y En Tu Cara Explota. It was brave, funny, theatrical and had something to say – with a sensational performer/maker delivering it.
The part I’d love to play is…
The part of Snail – from our recent production of The Worm. To date brilliantly manifested by Bronwyn Bradley and then Yvette Parsons. The character is a slightly sycophantic henchman who loves their un-interested boss (the blind rat). The character has lovely clown qualities – tragic and very funny. Plus has an elongated death scene with a bubble machine and smoke.
The person I’d most like to work with is…
Hard to articulate. It frightens me a little, the thought of working with any of my theatre heroes, as fear they can only disappoint in reality. In New Zealand, I think I have been pretty lucky and have worked with most people I have wanted to. Though there are still a couple on my hit list!
My worst on-stage hiccup was...
Potentially falling asleep on stage – waking up and having no idea where I was or what was happening. In my defence it was a long season, in a hot theatre and we were buried under leaves on the stage whilst the audience came in, being perfectly still. I just floated off – terrifying!
My go-to quote for all situations is…
The piece of theatre I’m nerdiest about is...
Whatever I’m currently working on.
My favourite type of costume is...
One that helps tell the story and aligns with the actor’s character they have been creating. I do of course like a costume that makes a splash – but hate a costume that stops an actor achieving what they or I want!
The show I most wish I’d seen is...
Peter Brook’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The last show I attended was…
I Want To Be Happy – have just come home from watching the second night of our Auckland season.
Writing or performing?
I’m not a writer and have pretty much hung up my performer clogs – but let’s go with the latter as when I make theatre there is a bit of the performer that comes into play and also helps me envisage the staging.
Collaborate or go solo?
My process for getting into character is...
I’m going to go with my process of becoming a director for the start of rehearsals. I’m always kind of terrified – as I seem to have forgotten I have done this before and always have no idea what to do. I know each show requires a different approach, but there is a certain self-doubt and amnesia that comes along each time. So I tend to do some extra reading of the script in the days leading up to the start and looking at the design and lists of production needs. I try and get some clear headspace by taking a long walk or such on the morning before the first day starts. And then it is just taking the leap into the realm of discovery; and trusting you will land somewhere – often a full 5/6 weeks later.
A performance I wish everyone could see is…
The Civic Theatre season of 360 – a theatre of recollections. It had had time to settle and deepen after its New Zealand International Festival of the Arts premiere and looked so incredible in that venue.
Nightsong’s I Want To Be Happy plays at Circa Theatre from 6 – 30 September